If you don´t like it

City:Vienna, Austria
Measures:220 x 48 cm
Media:Embroidery and crochet on handwoven towel

A Ștergar is a traditional Romanian towel, usually decorated with elaborate, hand-embroidered patterns. Instead of the typical patterns, however, Boukal's Ștergar bears the text “If you don't like it, you can go home!”, embroidered by the artist in cross-stitch.

The phrase can be read in two ways. On the one hand, it often conveys a dismissive or uncompromising attitude, suggesting that if someone is unhappy with a situation, their only option is to leave, implying no room for negotiation or change. On the other hand, the phrase can carry a positive message. It reminds us that we have the freedom to choose our environment and the power to walk away from situations that don’t serve us. Instead of being stuck in dissatisfaction, it encourages us to seek out spaces that align better with our needs.

But ultimately, while the phrase may carry an underlying message of personal choice, it often leaves little room for dialogue or compromise. It can reinforce a sense of isolation, suggesting that dissatisfaction is unwelcome and that the only way to address discomfort is through separation. Rather than fostering understanding, it can shut down opportunities for growth or resolution, leaving one to feel unsupported and dismissed.