
Date:16. Feb – 22. Apr 2018
Projektraum philomena+, Vienna, Austria

Artistic Interventions at Praterstern

In the spring of 2018 philomena+ will realize a series of artistic interventions at the Praterstern (Vienna). The exhibition in the project space philomena + offers a preview of the site-specific, process-oriented and participative projects whose aim is to create dream images and illusions in an inhospitable place to become reality for a short time.

Project "Café Praterstern" (June 29th – 30th, 2019; 23:00 p.m – 2:00 a.m)
Tanja Boukal lets the legendary Viennese hospitality become reality for a short time and opens a Viennese coffee house - including coffee, cake and piano - out of the ground, public & free at Praterstern for four hours in the middle of the night. And best of all: ALL are invited!

Curator: Christine Bruckbauer
Artists: Tanja Boukal, Markus Hofer, Rahi Sinaki, Patrick Timm