
Date:11. Oct – 24. Nov 2019
A.K.T, Pforzheim, Germany

For over 2500 years, forms of democracy have developed in Europe and in other parts of the world. In each country the historical, social and cultural characteristics are just as different as the respective conditions, conditions and democratic contents. 

What they have in common is that democracy is based on constant negotiation about the balance between individual and community, freedom and order, equality and leadership. In the current discourse, however, the feeling is spreading that powers are shifting and that the constitutional form of democracy seems to be increasingly endangered and unstable by the structural change of modern societies, complex global problems, digitalisation, populism, fake news and the questioning of knowledge and universal values.

In the exhibition "Demoncracy", international artists embark on a search for the demons of democracy: is it the political representatives, economic corporations, or simply the people themselves? The works on display represent the struggle for the basic pillars, laws and stability of democratic constitutions and question our current understanding of democracy.

The exhibition takes place in cooperation with the Werner Wild Foundation, the Ornamenta Association, agora42, the EMMA - Kreativzentrum Pforzheim and the Hochschule Pforzheim.

Artistic direction: Janusz Czech

Artists: Mathieu Asselin, Tanja Boukal, Jonas Burgert, Janusz Czech, Wiktor Dyndo, Beate Engl, Philip Götze, Heather Dewey-Hagborg/Chelsea E. Manning, Thomas Höpker, Jakub Janovský, Franka Kaßner, Jon Kessler, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Milo Rau, Oliver Ressler, Lisa Schlenker, Klaus Staeck, Wolfgang Tillmans, The Yes Men, Peter Weibel, Peter Weibel & Hotel Morphila Orchestra, Umut Yasat