In Transition

Date:23. Jul – 3. Aug 2012
Galerie der KG Freiräume, Hallein, Austria

This exhibition by assistants at the Summer Academy, in the FreiRäume gallery in Hallein focuses on demonstrating an intermediate result, a step on the way to somewhere else, a constant state of becoming. 

In this sense, the show takes up this year’s theme of The studio in the Summer Academy events. The studio, as a place of artistic production, can assume many forms and can be in all kinds of locations. Research material is stored in the computer, one may change every year to a different guest studio or shared office space. How does art emerge from this today? How does the studio influence the ideas, concepts and decisions that lead up to a work? How many ideas, sketches, samples have to be designed and discarded in order to get one step further? The exhibition shows how the artist deals with the processual and transitory aspects of art – whether in the form of sketches, concepts, notes, small works, or performances at the opening – and gives an idea of the working methods of the artists who are assisting at the Summer Academy this year.

Curated by: Bärbel Hartje
Artists: Bernadette Anzengruber, Tanja Boukal, Johanna Diehl, Bernhard Lochmann, Birgit Marie Schmidt, Elisabeth Schmirl, Helen Schoene, Julia Schwarzbach, Christopher Steinweber, Christine Würmell, Siegfried Zaworka