Appunti su questo tempo

Date:2. Sep 2022 – 15. Apr 2023
Museo del Ricamo e del Tessile, Valtopina, Italy
CasermArcheologica, Sansepolcro, Italy

Embroidery is the common expressive language of all the works on display. For a long time, it has been considered a minor art, a craft or a mere leisure activity for young ladies of high society. 

Nevertheless, it represented for centuries the only possible medium to voice personal or collective needs in the absence of other means of communication and, not infrequently, the only possibility for generations of women to express their creativity.This flexibility still makes it suitable today for immersion in everyday life, investigating the domestic as much as the public dimension, transforming itself into an alternative grammar to narrate the present.

In her essay Threads of Life, Clare Hunter traces an extensive historical excursus starting with the Bayeux tapestry, passing through Mary Stuart Queen of Scots, up to the Plaza de Mayo mothers’ shawls or the arpilleras denouncing the Chilean regime, bearing witness to the transversal nature of this medium across all social classes, in different times and latitudes, highlighting its communicative and celebratory quality, its narrative, popularising and even therapeutic value.

The  exhibition arose from these premises. As the title states, it explores the present time among its contradictions; the battles won and the defeats. A tale entrusted to needle and thread and brought back to the observer through the talent of artists committed to investigating its lights and shadows, facing its challenges and reading its multiple truths. From political resistance to the new balance between human beings and nature. From migratory flows to propaganda, illness to identity, war to compulsive consumerism, embroidery becomes here, stitch by stitch, the lexicon to give voice to contemporaneity and to provide a different point of observation on reality.

The exhibition boasts ArteMorbida Textile Arts the media partnership, an international magazine dedicated to contemporary fibre art.

Curated by Barbara Pavani



September, 2nd - November, 30th 2022, Valtopina
January, 21st - April, 15th 2023, Sansepolcro