
Date:27. Oct 2014 – 21. Mar 2015
MUSA, Vienna, Austria
Budapest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

What does the photographic image signify for the making of a past and a history? How can the distance between then and now, between present and past realities of life be bridged, and what kind of “objective reality” do such constructions engender?

Burdened with a fraught historic legacy of 100 years, today’s artists continue to explore the past, reflecting on subjective experiences and helping us gain a deeper understanding of the official accounts of the past and its repercussions. The critical examination of visual recollections and the framing of memories paradigmatically illustrate the challenge faced by the artist who gives creative form to a history, no less than by the viewer who beholds his or her work: pictures that appeal to our recollection bring the past to life, but they also demand that, in remembering it, we remain conscious of our own present.
The photographs and videos selected for the exhibition, many of which are highly personal, show that history is always made up of multiple components: it involves the past event as such, its (re)construction, and ultimately also ourselves, as we seek to understand what happened in the light of today’s world.

Curated by Gunda Achleitner (Vienna), Gabriella Uhl (Budapest)
Artists (Vienna): Tanja Boukal (A), Steven Cohen (ZA) & Marianne Greber (A), Marcell Esterházy (H), Anna Jermolaewa (RUS), Noro Knap (SK), Tatiana Lecomte (F), Andreas Mühe (D), Erwin Olaf (NL), Gábor Ősz (H), Marija Mojca Pungercar (SLO), Aura Rosenberg (USA), Lina Scheynius (S), Juraj Starovecký (SK)

October 27, 2014 - March 21, 2015
November 13, 2014 - January 12, 2015

An Exhibition of the European Month of Photography

All photos on this page: © MUSA, Foto: Michael Wolschlager